Stephen Berry (born 1931 in Denver, Colorado) is a U.S.

Martinus Veltman, Professor Emeritus, John D.Smith Nobel Prize, for Physiology or Medicine, 1978 Peyton Rous, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1966.Wolfgang Pauli, winner of Nobel Prize, Physics, 1945.Won the 1980 Nobel Prize in economics for his econometric models forecasting short-term economic trends and policies. Klein, '30 alumnus a member of the economics department and the Institute for Social Research. Huggins, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1966 Glaser professor of physics, developed in 1954 the world's first liquid bubble chamber to study high-energy subatomic particles and won the Nobel Prize in physics for his invention in 1960

Joseph Brodsky, Nobel Prize, Literature 1987.Several past presidents have gone on to become presidents of Ivy League universities. The University of Michigan has 6,200 faculty members and roughly 38,000 employees which include National Academy members, and Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winners.